Insigne's Aviano series returns with a Didone or Modern face.

Aviano Didone’s high contrast forms lend elegant beauty, luxury andromance to your designs and it’s extended letterforms provide strengthand power. Aviano’s foundational classical forms give the face a lookthat is unique for Didone faces. Aviano Didone is a bold newinterpretation of vertically contrasted type.

Aviano Didone comes in five different weights and is packed withOpenType features. Want ball terminals for that logotype or headline?Flat serifs? Swash forms? Aviano Didone includes 102 alternatecharacters. Five style sets are available, and Art Deco inspiredalternates, small forms, swash, titling and stylistic alternates.Aviano Didone also includes 40 discretionary ligatures for artistictypographic compositions. Please see the informative .pdf brochure tosee these features in action.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Aviano series which can be used as complementary faces, including Aviano, Aviano Serif, Aviano Sans and Aviano Slab.
Aviano Didone is available from MyFonts.com.